Global Industries
– you are in good hands

Global Industries A/S is a company registered in Aarhus, Denmark. Our head office and technology centre are located in Suzhou, China.

Global Industries is your go-to for outsourcing production in China. We specialize in industrial products made according to your design and specification. Our services include procurement process, quality control, and logistic services. We deliver the complete package where risks are minimized and deliver to your address.

Let us take care of your production needs today!

Product Solution by Global Industries

With Global Industries, your company can benefit from cost reduction and risk minimization related to sourcing from China. We offer personalized, professional, and comprehensive sourcing and quality control services.

Quality Assurance

In 2016, Intertek Denmark certified Global Industries as an ISO 9001-2015 company. The Danish Lead Auditor conducted our audit. We use Sherlock, a Danish-developed web-based document management system, to support our quality assurance system, which offers bilingual functionality.

Quality Inspection

Design for manufactoring

In product development, design for manufacturing is vital. Our team helps design products that consider suppliers’ manufacturing processes and capabilities. We can improve efficiency, minimize waste, and reduce costs by identifying potential issues in the design phase.
Our team works closely with clients throughout product development, providing guidance and advice at every stage. Design for manufacturing expertise enables us to bring ideas to reality quickly and efficiently.

We Are Global And Have Helped Clients Worldwide